Our Mission in Action

The Bardins

Dr. Rick and Debbie Bardin

Dr Rick and Debbie Bardin are missionaries in Cameroon.  Our church is proud to support them and the loving care that they are bringing to people on the other side of the world.  They are examples of the hands and feet of Jesus and we continue to lift them up in prayer.  To learn more, click here.


The Solheims


The Batschelets


The Jones’


Casa de Fe

Our Church has supported this orphanage for years.  We keep them in our prayers and support them with love offerings throughout the year. The ophanage is located in Equador.  Click the here to learn more.

White Cross

The women of our congregation frequently meet to prepare bandaging cloths for the White Cross.  These bandages go to hospitals and clinics around the world where hospital supplies are hard to come by. Click here to find out more. 

Food Shelf Donations

Donations for the Waconia United Food Shelf are always welcome.  If you have non-perishable food items or paper goods that you would like to donate we have a collection bin located in our foyer.